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The Monsters You’ll Meet in IT

The monsters you'll meet in IT

It was a dark and stormy night when, all of a sudden, there was a total power loss with no IT solutions in sight! As far as scary stories go, this is a total nightmare. If you’ve seen a horror movie or listened to a chilling legend around the campfire, you know the dangers of running into an unfriendly monster. Unfortunately, spooky season isn’t loyal to October in the IT space – our monsters stay lurking year-round. Learn more about these beasts and paranormal beings and what you can do to repel them, securing your digital identity.

Steer Clear of Zombie Brain 

We’ve all had those days where we feel like a total zombie at work. Maybe it’s on Monday mornings (before we’ve had our coffee), or perhaps Fridays feel slow with the weekend approaching. Whatever the case for you, experiencing “zombie brain” is a real thing, especially when you’re constantly troubleshooting IT problems.

Fortunately, you can say goodbye to the zombie brain fog with a quick call to the Exact IT Helpdesk. Our techs can do it all, including creating new accounts, addressing security concerns, and monitoring remote networks. So, instead of wandering around like a zombie, get in touch with the experts for some proper guidance on how to solve the problem at hand.

Avoid zombie brain by contacting our Helpdesk
Dont let vampires (ransomware) drain you dry

Don’t Let Vampires Drain You Dry 

Vampires have a few calling cards—black capes, transforming into bats, and, of course, draining blood from their victims. In many ways, ransomware is the vampire of the IT world. No, you don’t have to worry about it sprouting wings, but you do have to stay vigilant, or else it will suck your database dry.

Ransomware essentially infects your system and drains it of essential files, folders, and even entire databases. The ransomware vampire then holes your data up in its castle and keeps it as ransom, hoping for ample payout in the end.

The good news is that you can learn to avoid these vampires, given the right training. Exact IT’s ransomware training course is like a basket full of garlic ready to ward off the creatures of the night.

Ward Off Devilish Spirits

From old epics like Paradise Lost to modern fantasy TV, you don’t have to travel far to see a fire-spewing devil hiding in the shadows. In the IT world, organizations are similarly threatened by the villains we can’t see until it’s too late—cyber attacks. 

Cybersecurity is a high priority these days, and you’ll need much more than just a firewall to protect yourself against a hot-headed devil.  Know the risks of these nefarious attacks and secure your digital identity with cybersecurity training. Exact IT can help you armor up with three-layer protection, spam filtering, and full-volume encryption.

Protect against fiery devils (AKA cyber attacks)

Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary…

If you’ve ever said “Bloody Mary” three times in the mirror, you know Mary is terrible at answering a call. You have to ring her at least three times, and even then, her connection might be bad. Like Bloody Mary, phone systems can be a hassle to deal with.

But with the help of Exact IT, you can ensure that your phone line never leaves you hanging. We’ll help you create custom solutions involving video conferencing, SMS messaging, VoIP, etc. Who knows—maybe Mary will respond quicker to a text!

Don’t Fear the Grim Reaper

Bigger is always better, right? That might be true when it comes to a slice of cake or a handful of candy, but dealing with giant stores of data can be a challenge. Without the proper tools, you can soon find yourself crushed under the weight of way too much data to handle. But with some help from IT’s grim reaper, you can cut down on data storage and say goodbye to overpopulation.

If giant databases are crushing your organization, look to Exact IT for managed IT services. Our professionals will help you build a sturdy infrastructure that is easy for users to navigate and continually manage with preventative maintenance

Don't fear the Grim Reaper (AKA huge stores of data)
Befriend the Ghost of IT

Trust the Paranormal Experts 

Was that a trick of the light or a gust of wind? Nope, it was the ghost of IT—cloud hosting! Whether you have a horror movie perception of ghosts or your ideal spirit is named Casper, they all have the same trait—invisibility. Even if you can’t always see your ghostly friends, they’re still by your side, just like cloud hosting.

Ghostly cloud technology is at your service despite being invisible to the eye. As the tech scene changes, more and more organizations rely on cloud hosting to store data and applications. With cloud services, you can access your data from anywhere (not just the office) and rest easy, knowing backup solutions are available. If you need some help managing cloud services, be sure to call the Ghostbusters at Exact IT.

Rise From the Dead Like a Mummy

Without the proper cybersecurity protection, it’s only a matter of time before one of these monsters attacks. But that doesn’t mean all hope is lost. With some expert help, your data will be reborn, and your organization can rise up from the dead, just like a mummy. When you’re the victim of cybercrime or data loss, look to Exact IT. We specialize in creating backups and disaster recovery solutions to help you reclaim your kingdom.

Rise up like a mummy with backup system

Defeat Your IT Demons with Exact IT

Whether you’re recovering from a monster attack or looking to avoid one, Exact IT is here for your organization. Our team is trained to handle a plethora of IT issues and work with you to create a robust infrastructure that will deter future problems. Consider us the monster hunters of the IT scene!

Request a consultation, and tell us which monsters are giving you trouble. We’ll know exactly how to push their buttons to repel them.

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