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How to Keep your VoIP System Secure

While moving away from residential landlines isn’t a new phenomenon, it may surprise you just how much phone calls are changing with the times. Businesses too are getting on board with new and improved ways to communicate. VoIP systems are just one of the new technologies that make it easier for business owners to communicate with vendors, clients, and employees. However, VoIP systems aren’t perfect, and you’ll need to take special precautions to keep your phones secure. Look to Exact IT for professional tips for ensuring your data and confidential information stay safe. 

Create Strong Passwords

We hear it time and time again, but it’s absolutely true. Strong passwords are key to adequate security measures. Many VoIP systems come with pre-set passwords, and while it can be tempting to leave it alone for convenience, it’s paramount to change it as soon as possible. Different organizations have different standards for passwords, but the general wisdom is to ensure your passwords meet the following criteria: 

  • At least 12 characters
  • A mix of numbers, letters (capital and lowercase), and symbols 
  • No obvious number/letter substitutions (ex. passw0rd)
  • Stays away from typical dictionary words 

Use End-to-End Encryption

VoIP has been revolutionizing voice calls. One way it stays on the cutting edge is its encryption capabilities. Nearly all modern systems will offer end-to-end encryption, which means your data stays locked up tight despite cybersecurity threats. 

Block International Calls

Hackers and cybersecurity threats often target VoIP phones. Much of the time, the call appears to be coming from another country. So, unless you regularly get legitimate calls from overseas, it’s a good idea to block international calls altogether. Some companies opt for calling cards to make international calls instead of allowing them to come through the VoIP system. 

Build Up Your Firewall

When you transition to a VoIP, don’t forget about the firewall! VoIP phones should be safely behind a corporate firewall, just like any other device you have in the office. Going without the added security of a firewall leaves your VoIP system open to bad actors. 

Don’t Give Out Too Many Security Permissions 

The great thing about modern computing systems is that you can keep close track of who has access to what. However, it can also be tempting to give out way too many permissions to the wrong people. As you implement VoIP upgrades, be sure that only specific people have meaningful security permissions. 

Pinpoint Your Weak Spots 

As technology advances, hackers do too. You always need to be thinking about chinks in your cybersecurity armor. While looking for potential vulnerabilities, make sure to consider  VoIP upgrades that may make your job easier. When technology comes out that makes your systems harder to hack, don’t wait to implement it! The team at Exact IT will help you pinpoint your weak spots and identify useful upgrades. 

Bolster Your VoIP System With Exact IT

Whether you’re concerned about FCC forbearance or you’re simply looking for a way to save money on cloud options, Exact IT wants to partner with you. Our team has worked with dozens of clients, helping them bolster their VoIP systems to keep up with growing security concerns. Contact us today to discuss phone systems, support, and an array of other services. 

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