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How to Improve Your IT Infrastructure with Preventative Maintenance

Your IT infrastructure is the foundation of your technological resources. If it’s not up to speed, your business operations won’t be either. There are many components to your IT infrastructure that must work cohesively to prove effective. In order to keep these components reliable and secure, it’s imperative to regularly maintain these systems. This will allow you to catch any problems early on and reduce the risk of breakdowns or larger issues. 

With so many moving parts, staying ahead of any problems down the road is ideal, especially if they can be prevented. Let’s explore some key benefits of proactively monitoring your IT infrastructure.

Extend Equipment Life

A huge advantage of preventive maintenance is that it can extend the lifespan of your equipment. Regularly updating software and upgrading specific hardware can keep your devices in shape and running efficiently. Being proactive eliminates potential issues that might age your technology, which could lead to being retired earlier than possible. 

Proactive maintenance is especially beneficial for computers or hard drives that are outdated or almost full. These devices don’t have the capacity for viruses to creep in and likely won’t recover if unwanted files begin to overwork them. 

Enhance Safety

When a cybersecurity threat is posed, hindsight vision can seem 20/20. That’s why it’s crucial to take every preventative measure to ensure your IT infrastructure remains as secure as possible. Preventative maintenance involves security installations, vulnerability assessments and scans, and firewall implementations to ensure your infrastructure remains secure against any hackers or data breaches. 

Increase Productivity

If you’re stuck spending several minutes a day waiting for your computer to buffer, that’s time you’re not getting back. Preventative maintenance optimizes the power of your infrastructure, allowing for faster response times and quicker results, allowing you to work at full capacity.

Being proactive will also save you time in the long run. If you or your team fall behind on maintenance, it could result in an unexpected IT breakdown. Larger issues could result in data loss or technological failures, halting all efficiency for the time being. IT maintenance is a full-time job. If you don’t have an internal IT team, it’s worth investing in remote monitoring and maintenance (RMM). RMM allows you to maximize productivity with updated infrastructures remaining in place. 

Cost Effectiveness 

Ultimately, IT maintenance can save you thousands of dollars and reduce the risk of unexpected high costs. Being proactive with technology increases their lifespan, allowing you to use high-cost tech for longer. It also prevents random breakdowns. The last thing you want is unforeseen purchases for computers or other technology with no room left in your budget. 

Utilizing your IT services, such as RMM, allows your systems to be monitored and maintained, ultimately saving you time, money, and productivity. Paying a monthly fee will seem like a small expense compared to the daunting prices of new IT systems or data breaches. 

Preventative maintenance requires around-the-clock services. Exact IT is a premier managed IT service with the expertise to optimize your IT infrastructure’s efficiency and catch problems before they arise so that our clients can focus on their business objectives and goals.

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