If you’re like most businesses, you almost certainly rely on email on a daily basis. However, if your email is hosted on an in-house server, you are becoming less like many businesses, as they are moving their solutions to the cloud. Here’s why you may want to follow suit and make the change as well.
There Are Less Expensive Alternatives
If you’re like most businesses, your exchange server is likely one of your older pieces of hardware. As such, it will be more expensive to run and maintain — and not only is an in-house server a more expensive option, it is an outdated one. Cloud services provided by Microsoft, Google, and others can complete many of your necessary tasks.
Control Is Decreasing as a Factor
While an in-house server is still the choice that provides the user with a greater level of control, that will no longer be the case before long. In fact, cloud-hosted solutions are able to be more customized than ever–and are protected against issues that may arise in your physical location, like a power outage or fire. Can your in-house email server say the same?
Better Protection
When you host your email in the cloud, it automatically has protections against threats, like viruses and malware. Email is still a critical tool for many offices, which means that it needs to be isolated from issues that affect the rest of the organization in question.
You’ll Have Less On-Premise Infrastructure to Deal With
You rely on your infrastructure for your business to function. Each piece has a job to do, and progress halts if that job goes undone. When your infrastructure–including your email server–encounters an issue, your priority becomes resolving that issue. As a result, many other responsibilities may fall by the wayside. However, a cloud-hosted infrastructure allows you to remove much of your in-house components, including your email server. This means that you will have less in-house to cause an issue, and what you have left will be easier to maintain.
Exact IT Consulting’s services and solutions can help you align your technology with your business objectives.